City of Pompano Beach Performance Program
To advance real progress in a time of austerity and lack of confidence in government's ability to be effective, we must plan rigorously and learn to measure how well we are doing comprehensively and systematically. This Performance Program does just that, offering an easy-to-follow account of what we do and a rich framework for communicating the multiple dimensions of the City Strategic Plan approved by the City Commission.
The City Performance Program is a process of identifying regular services, activities, and management processes that most effectively meet what Pompano residents want from the City. The program monitors City departments in their efforts to meeting their goals as detailed in the Strategic Plan.
It ultimately involves outcome or performance budgeting, whereby resources will be allocated to programs that provide services which people prioritize or that have proven results.
Highlights of the Performance Program
- Combines planning and performance management
- Is an extension of budgeting and hence makes the budget process more rigorous
- Provides a platform for the cost-benefit approach to decision-making
- Increases transparency: People are better informed about what they are getting for their tax expenditures
Ernesto Reyes - Strategic Performance Manager