All Click 2 Gov payments will be unavailable on 3/13/25 after 6pm for scheduled maintenance. Service will resume by end of day on 3/14/25. We apologize for an inconvenience this may cause.

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Applications and Forms

Name Description Last Updated
Building Permit Application Uniform application for Building, Electrical, Mechanical, and Plumbing permits 10/5/2023
Engineering Permit Application Required when work impacts Right-of-Ways, roadways, swales, etc...


Fire Plan Review Application Fire Prevention application detailing Life Safety features of structure ---
Tree Permit Application Tree Protection, Relocation, Removal, Land Clearing/Grubbing, and Demolition ---
Zoning Compliance Application Required when permits are reviewed by the Zoning division for compliance with City Ordinance. ---
Alarm Registration Alarm Billing Registration 2/1/2024
Change of Architect or Engineer Submitted by a permit holder when changing the Designer of Record for an approved permit. (i.e. the Registered Architect and/or Professional Engineer.) 4/17/2024
Change of Prime Contractor Submitted by the Property Owner when changing the Prime Contractor of a permit. ---
Change of Subcontractor Submitted by the Prime Contractor when changing a Sub-Contractor under their permit. ---
Electrical 30-Day Temporary Permit Request for Temporary Electrical Service. Must be submitted by Electrical Permit holder ONLY if Final Inspection has not passed. 8/22/24
Electric Service Turn on Request to inspect and permanently turn-on Electrical Service. ---
HVHZ Permit Application High Velocity Hurricane Zone application for Roofs and Reroofs 1/1/2024
Lien Research Request Submitted when requesting Lien and Open Records research on one or more properties.
Online Requests may be made here.
Owner Builder Affidavit To be completed by a Property Owner when submitting as a permit holder in lieu of a Licensed Contractor. ---
Revision Submittal Form Standard Revision Narrative form; required on all new Revisions submitted after permit approval. ---
Sign Code Compliance Permit Required by Zoning for details and requirements on all Sign Permits ---
Utility Connection and Capital Recovery Application Used to select and purchase Water and Sewer meter service connections ---
Name Description Last Updated
A/C Replacement Data Form County form for replacing A/C Systems, and detailing Existing and New Unit specs. 7/02/2024
Building Safety Program Re-Inspection Affidavit Prepared by an Engineer or Architect when re-inspecting a Building undergoing a required Safety Inspection process. ---
Certificate of Occupancy/Completion Submittal Form Details the items being submitted as part of the Certificate of Occupancy or Completion process. ---
Easement Agreement Required when performing work in an Easement of a property (Fences or Driveways) from each Utility provider impacted. 1/21/2025
Fire-Rated Joint and Penetration(s) Affidavit Certification that all penetrations are protected by approved Fire Rated Materials or Assemblies. ---
Flood Zone Information Details Flood Zone information of a property for New Construction and Substantial Improvements. ---
Insulation Certificate Certifies that the Thermal Insulation installed is in compliance with the FBC and approved Energy Calculations and Plans. ---
Non-Conversion Agreement Form Non-Conversion Agreement for certain structures in the Floodplain. ---
Notice of Commencement Required to be completed and recorded with Broward County Records prior to being submitted to Pompano on eligible jobs. ---
Online Notary Amendment Required to be completed when utilizing an online Notary service instead of appearing in person to one. ---
Permit Maintenance Form Used to request a permit be withdrawn, voided or put on hold. ---
Private Provider Package Required to be submitted by Private Providers when performing Plan Review and/or Inspections instead of the Local Jurisdiction.


Retrofit Window & Door Schedule Lists the Window(s) and/or Door(s) being replaced, along with their design pressure ratings and Product Approval Numbers. 2/22/2024
Rooftop Mounted Equipment Affidavit Identifies all rooftop mounted equipment and is required to be submitted with the HVHZ Roofing application when applicable. ---
Roofing Affidavit for Windstorm Loss Mitigation Certifies that all Roof-to-Wall Connections are in compliance with FS 553.844 and FBC (Existing Building) 706.8.1 for Single-Family Residential structures (including duplexes), and that any required additional enhancements will be provided by a licensed Contractor to bring the roof system into compliance. 7/9/2024
Signature Affidavit Used by Architects and Engineers to Electronical Sign documents without using a Third-Party Certificate Authority. ---
Special Inspector Form Application for using a Special Inspector under a permit. 4/4/2024
Swimming Pool, Spa & Hot Tub Safety Act; Notice of Requirement Identifies which safety method(s) are being used to meet Private Swimming Pool Safety requirements. ---
Sworn Statement of Account Private Provider’s Sworn Statement that all work inspected have been completed in conformance with approved plans and required Codes. ---
Threshold Inspection Form Application for using a Threshold Inspector under a permit. ---
Torque Certificate Certifies that the Torque Requirements have been met per manufacturers installation instructions. 4/1/2024
V-Zone Building Design and Performance Certificate For new Construction, Substantial Improvements, and the Repair of Substantially Damaged Structures in Coast Special Flood Hazard Areas. (Zone V)


Water Heater Replacement Form for Dwelling Unit County form for replacing Water Heater Systems, and detailing Existing and New Unit specs. ---