When do I need a Notice of Commencement?
In accordance with Section 713.13 of the Florida Statutes, a Notice of Commencement is required for the construction of, improvements to, alteration of or repair of real property. The Notice of Commencement must be recorded with Broward County Records, Taxes and Treasury Division, or in the office of the clerk where the real property is located.
A Notice of Commence is required to be submitted when the total contract price is greater than $5,000.00. A recorded copy of the N.O.C. can be submitted with the permit application, or made available on the job site during your first inspection.
Notice of Commencement Document Recording can be conducted by contacting one of the below eRecording Vendors:
- CSC (formerly INGEO) erecording@cscglobal.com / 866-652-0111 / erecording.com/contact-us
- E-Docs Solutions / info@edocsrecording.com / 888-973-3627 / edocsrecording.com/ContactUs.htm
- eRecording Partners Network (ePN ) / sales@GOePN.com / 888-325-3365 / goepn.com/contact/
- Simplifile / sales@simplifile.com / 800-460-5657 / simplifile.com/contact-simplifile/
Or by Mail: Records, Taxes and Treasury Division, Recording 115 S. Andrews Avenue, Room 114 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 For more information, please visit Broward.org/RecordsTaxesTreasury, call 954-831-4000, or by email records@broward.org. Visit Broward County’s notice of commencement website for more information.
A Notice of Commencement is not required for the repair or replacement of an existing heating or air-conditioning system in an amount less than $15,000.