The City of Pompano Beach has developed a strategic partnership plan that welcomes the proposals from nonprofit organizations whose programming matches at least one or more of the funding priorities. To ensure that we have the proper information to evaluate and process your request, please follow these guidelines.
Partnership Application Info
The City of Pompano Beach is excited to announce that beginning April 4, 2024 – May 4, 2024, it will be accepting nonprofit partnership requests for the 2024-2025 fiscal year. The City will now only receive partnership requests once a year.
Partnership Application Open: April 4, 2024
Partnership Application Deadline: May 4, 2024 at 12:00 p.m. SHARP
Partnerships Announced: Week of July 25, 2024*
*Announcement date is subject to change based on City calendar
Info Session
In an effort to answer any questions nonprofits may have about the application process, the City will be hosting an online info session via Zoom on April 11, 2024 from 12:00 - 1:00 p.m. Please review the info session tab for more information.
Nonprofit Requirements
Recommended Award Letters for 2024-2025 are scheduled to be released on the week of July 25, 2024.*
*Date is subject to change based on City calendar
Organizations receiving City funds are required to:
- Attend mandatory Orientation Workshop on August 1, 2024 at 12:00 p.m. via Zoom
- Participate in a Nonprofit Program Services Fair 1-2 times a year
- Enter into a Miscellaneous Appropriations Contract with the City.
- See Sample
- Provide the City of Pompano Beach with the appropriate insurance requirements including, but not limited to:
- General Liability Insurance
- Please list City of Pompano Beach as the insured. See Sample Certificate of Insurance
- Sexual Molestation Coverage
- If your organization does not interact with children under the age of 18. Written documentation stating so would suffice.
- Auto Insurance
- If your organization does not have company vehicles, a copy of the main organization's contact personal insurance card would suffice. Coverage for a single day event would only need to reflect the minimum auto coverage.
- Workers Compensation Coverage
- If an organization has fewer than (4) employees, they may request a "Certificate of Election to be Exempt." To request exemption, please visit
- If your organization does not fit the scope of business, please notify us and we will provide your organization with the City’s exemption form in lieu of the state’s.
- See Full Insurance Requirements
- See Sample Certificate of Insurance
- General Liability Insurance
- If a City of Pompano Beach funded program will be taking place on city property, a separate agreement will be required.
- For more information please visit the Parks & Recreation page
- *Fees shall not apply for resident non-profit organizations as defined in § 98.47(A)(1)(b), for use of recreation centers or facilities during normal operating hours, for the purpose of organization or board meetings excluding holidays as observed by the City of Pompano Beach and the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Arts Department. Fee structure will apply for all other uses including fundraisers, social gatherings and room rentals.
CDBG Funding
If a nonprofit organization receives funding through a separate grant from the City, the nonprofit will not be eligible to receive funding through this nonprofit partnership application process for the same program. If an application is submitted for the same program through this process and the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), priority will be given to receive funding from CDBG. Applications for different programs will be considered.
In-kind Costs and Services
If a nonprofit organization is working with another department at the City and in-kind costs and services are being underwritten, the total amount of award funds and in-kind services will be reviewed to determine the collective impact the City may have with an organization.
Ineligible Organizations
As a standard practice, the City of Pompano Beach does not support and considers ineligible:
- For-profit organizations or those without a nonprofit, tax-exempt status.
- All awarded organizations must be a Not For Profit Corporation authorized to do business in the State of Florida
- Organizations that discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, gender, sexual orientation or national origin.
- Organizations or programs designed to influence legislation or elect candidates to public office.
- Faith-based organizations or religious programs whose principle purpose is promulgating a particular religious faith, creed or doctrine.
- Private foundations
- Community or event advertising
- Athletic sponsorships or scholarships
- Student trips or exchange programs
- Telephone solicitations
- Recreational, sporting or athletic associations
- Individuals
Disallowed Expenditures
Disallowed expenditures as determined by the City of Pompano Beach; which includes, but not limited to:
- Personal digital assistants (PDAs), cell phones, smartphones, and similar devices
- Service costs to support PDAs, cell phones, smartphones, and similar devices such as wireless services and data plans
- Proposal preparation including the costs to develop, prepare or write the proposal
- Program evaluation costs
- Pre-award costs
- Out-of-state travel; non-local travel expenses
- Gift cards
- Purchase/lease of facilities or vehicles (e.g., buildings, buses, vans, cars)
- Rentals – one day only (written justification and approval needed for additional time)
- Entertainment - exceptions shall be made for community events (written justification and approval needed prior)
- Land acquisition
- Furniture
- Honorariums for presenters/speakers and any costs associated with travel expenses
- Kitchen appliances and home goods (e.g., refrigerators, microwaves, stoves, tabletop burners) (written justification and approval needed)
- Tuition/Scholarships
- Capital improvements and permanent renovations (e.g., playgrounds, buildings, fences, wiring)
- Clothing or uniforms (written justification and approval needed)
- Project banquets/luncheons
- Costs for items/services already covered by indirect costs allocation (supplanting)
- Out of state college tours
- Out of county field trips
- Alcohol
- Airfare
- Boat rentals
- Family incentives
- Car mileage
- Stipends
- Laboratory fees
- Computers
- Health benefits
- Digital Cameras
- Plaques - exceptions shall be made for community events (written justification and approval needed prior)
- Hotel Costs
- Housing - (written justification and approval needed based on programming)
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