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As we streamline our processes we know there will be some questions and we are here to answer those for you.

When does City of Pompano Beach accept partnership requests?

City of Pompano Beach only reviews partnership requests once a year. Please review the Guidelines and Criteria tab for information about when the application is open.

What type of partnership opportunities is City of Pompano Beach looking for?

The City of Pompano Beach enters into service agreements with a variety of nonprofit organizations that serve a valid public purpose and perform or provide services that are beneficial to the residents of the City of Pompano Beach. These service agreements align with the goals and objectives of the City's Strategic Plan, ensuring that the funded programs contribute to the strategic vision for the community. Additionally, the City has determined that it is currently not in a position to provide such services on its own, and therefore partners with nonprofits to expand the services available to residents.

The nonprofit organizations supported by the City play a key role in advancing the Strategic Plan’s vision for a thriving community. The City’s funding priorities are organized under two main strategic priorities: Workforce-focused Excellence and Community-focused Excellence.

Programs aligned with Workforce-focused Excellence strategy include initiatives in Workforce Development and Education, aimed at equipping residents with the skills and opportunities needed to succeed in the job market. Programs under the Community-focused Excellence strategy address key areas such as Behavioral Health, Senior Services, and Community Events, fostering well-being, supporting vulnerable populations, driving economic growth, and preserving the City’s rich cultural heritage.

This structured approach ensures that funded programs not only address immediate needs but also contribute to the City’s long-term strategic goals, enhancing the quality of life of our residents.

Please review our Funding Priorities tab for more on the specifics. Most importantly, the City of Pompano Beach is looking for opportunities where we can have a strong partnership with a charity/nonprofit partner.

How do I apply for partnership?

Your first step is to determine that your organization fits within City of Pompano Beach's Funding Priorities and Guidelines and Criteria. Once you have read all of our stated guidelines as well as our frequently asked questions and believe your organization falls within these parameters, you are welcome to fill out the Partnership Application form.

Can a nonprofit request for in-kind donations?

Currently the City is not taking in-kind requests through this nonprofit partnership application process. Only cash will be awarded at this time.

If a nonprofit organization is working with another department at the City and in-kind costs and services are being underwritten, the total amount of award funds and in-kind services will be reviewed to determine the collective impact the City may have with an organization.

    How many programs/events can a nonprofit apply for?

    A nonprofit may apply for up to two (2) programs or events in the same application. The City may award both opportunities, one of the opportunities or none of the opportunities based on the funding available and the quality of the applications received.

    What if I do not have some of the dates/details of events ready for the partnership application?

    While it is preferred that all of the information be submitted so that the city can plan accordingly, if you do not have certain details about your event, please provide us with your best answer. Should your organization be funded, it will be the nonprofit's responsibility to inform us of the new date.

    Where do I send my partnership request?

    All partnership requests must be submitted electronically through the partnership application process during the open period in which the city reviews the partnership requests. Please review the Partnership Guidelines for information as to when the application is open.

    Is all the requested information required for the initial request?

    All requested information is required to evaluate an application. Incomplete applications cannot be considered.

    What type of budget does my nonprofit need to provide?

    Nonprofits are to provide a budget for the program or event they are submitting a partnership application for and a copy of their agency's operational budget.

    What is City of Pompano Beach’s partnership review process?

    City of Pompano Beach will have an open period for all nonprofits to submit their partnership requests. Please review the Guidelines and Criteria tab for information as to when the application is open. Once the open period is closed, it is initially determined whether the organization falls within the City of Pompano Beach Funding Priorities and Guidelines and Criteria. If the request meets the preliminary guidelines/requirements, it will then be reviewed.

    How will a nonprofit be scored?

    Nonprofits will be evaluated on the following criteria:

    • Organization meets several of the partnership guidelines: 10 points
      • Applicant aligns with the City's funding priorities.
    • Quality and significance of events/programs: 20 points
      • The programs/events will have significant and long-lasting impact on the City of Pompano Beach residents. Proposed programs/events align with the City's funding priorities and provide services which the City is not currently in the position to provide. Proposal includes clear goals and objectives and fully measurable outcomes. Applicant demonstrates ability to track impact and outcomes based on the methodology shared.
    • Programs/Events affect City of Pompano as a whole: 20 points
      • The number of residents served and if the applicant is headquartered within the City Limits of Pompano Beach are taken into consideration.
    • Reputation as an established and well financed organization in Broward County: 10 points
      • Applicant demonstrates fiscal stability and ability to carry out the proposed activities.
    • Historical Review of Partnership with the City of Pompano: 5 points
      • Applicant has demonstrated a track record of success with previous City of Pompano funding.
    • Based on budget, the programs/events are affordable: 10 points
      • Program/event budget is affordable based on the number of residents expected to be served and the quality/significance of programs/events. Applicant demonstrates that other contributions will be secured for the programs/events.
    • Organization has support from other funders/board: 10 points
      • Applicant is leveraging funds through matching funding sources from other agencies, grants or private funds. Applicant has a sizable board of directors with independent outsiders and secures contributions from reputable funders.
    • Leadership and Community Support: 10 points
      • Applicant has the leadership and infrastructure in place to implement the programs/events and achieve the stated goals. Applicant has programmatic collaborations with community partners.
    • Overall Assessment of Application: 5 points

    If a nonprofit receives a separate grant from the City, would this hinder their chances of being funded through the nonprofit application process?

    Yes, if a nonprofit organization receives funding through a separate grant from the City, the nonprofit will not be eligible to receive funding through this nonprofit partnership application process for the same program. If an application is submitted for the same program through this process and the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), priority will be given to receive funding from CDBG. Applications for different programs will be considered.

    How do I check on my partnership request?

    We will announce our partnerships by the end of July. Please make certain we have the correct contact information when submitting the partnership application form. Based on staffing, we are not able to respond to calls for status checks.

    How will I be contacted regarding the status of my grant request?

    An e-mail will be sent with information regarding our announcement of our partnerships. Please make certain we have the correct contact information when submitting the partnership application form.

    What is the anticipated award amount?

    Partnerships are funded based on the type of partnership the City may have with the organization and the impact the program/event will have. However, the anticipated average funded amount per nonprofit is expected to range between $5,000-$15,000.

    Is there a limit on how much a nonprofit can request?

    There is not a limit on how much a nonprofit can request. A nonprofit can request what is needed for their event/program. However, the anticipated average funded amount per nonprofit is expected to range between $5,000-$15,000.

    How will the award money be allocated per type of organization?

    Based on the listed Funding Priorities, the number of applications received and the award money available, the City of Pompano Beach plans to distribute the allocation in the following ways:

    Workforce-focused Excellence Strategy: 63%

    • Education: 47%
    • Workforce Readiness: 43%

    Community-focused Excellence Strategy: 37%

    • Senior Services: 40%
    • Behavioral Health: 32%
    • Community Events & Preserving Cultural Heritage: 27%

    The recommended distribution shown above should be used only as a guidance point based on the quality and significance of the applications received.

    How will the nonprofits awarded receive their reimbursement?

    Community events and nonprofit programs awarded $5,000 and below will receive a lump sum payment and will be required to submit a one-time narrative and financial report.

    Nonprofit programs awarded a larger award than $5,000 will receive a quarterly payouts and will be required to submit a quarterly narrative and financial report.

    Please note this is a reimbursement grant and additional information will be covered at the mandatory nonprofit orientation should your organization be recommended for an award.

    Does my nonprofit have to receive a match to be awarded funding?

    The City of Pompano Beach gives preference to nonprofits that have a matching gift component as part of their overall budget; however, it will not be the sole factor in selecting the funded nonprofits. Nonprofits that indicate they receive a match are asked to submit additional supporting documentation when submitting their partnership application.

    What is a matching gift?

    A matching gift is a donation made to a non-profit which is tied to a separate contribution by another donor. The matching gift could be dollar for dollar or a partial match for each dollar, and sometimes the matching gifts can be multiples of the original donation.

    If a nonprofit has any disallowed expenditures on the submitted budget, will the entire submission get disqualified?

    If any disallowed costs are listed on a nonprofit’s program/event budget, the amount listed will not be taken out of the overall amount awarded. Since this is a reimbursement grant, disallowed expenditures will not be reimbursed.

    Can the award cover a salary of a nonprofit staff member?

    Yes, the money awarded can be used to pay for the salary of a nonprofit staff member as it relates to the program or event the City is funding. However, the City will not cover the cost of honorariums for presenters/speakers for events.

    Will the award pay for out-of-state travel; non-local travel expenses?

    The award will not pay for out of state travel or travel outside of Broward County.

    Can a private foundation apply for funding?

    The City will not award money to private foundations. A private foundation is an independent legal entity set up for solely charitable purposes. Unlike a public charity, which relies on public fundraising to support it’s activities, the funding for a private foundation typically comes from a single individual, a family, or a corporation, which receives a tax deduction for donations.

    If the nonprofit is a faith-based group can it apply for funding?

    Yes, a faith-based group can apply for funding as long as the program or event does not promote a particular religious faith, creed or doctrine.

    Does the partnership award cover luncheons or banquets?

    Unfortunately, the partnership award cannot be used to pay for a luncheon or banquet. A luncheon or banquet is considered a light meal of more formal character usually for a group of people in a public dining room (such as at a social, club or a business meeting).

    May my organization apply for more than one partnership request per year?

    We typically do not consider more than one partnership request per fiscal year (October - September) for each organization.

    What other opportunities will be given to a nonprofit that may not be funded?

    Should a nonprofit not be funded, the City will be updating the Resources and Grants tab on its community webpage with free or inexpensive workshops/seminars/trainings for nonprofits as well other community and City grant opportunities.

    Is there a character limit on the application?

    No, there is not a character limit.

    Where can I find my 990 Form?

    Form 990 is the IRS’ primary tool for gathering information about tax-exempt organizations, educating organizations about tax law requirements and promoting compliance. Organizations also use the Form 990 to share information with the public about their programs. Your organization should have their most recent filing on file. If not, please check with GuideStar or your IRS account.

    If my organization does not have our previous year’s tax filing because we are a new nonprofit are we eligible to apply?

    Unfortunately, no all organizations must have proof of their previous year’s 990 form.

    My organization is not a Not For Profit Corporation authorized to do business in the State of Florida. Can we apply for funding?

    Unfortunately, no. All awarded groups must be categorized as a Not For Profit Corporation authorized to do business in the State of Florida with their tax exempt status.

    My organization has a pending 501c3 status. Can we apply for funding?

    No, organizations with a pending 501c3 status will not be considered. All awarded groups must be categorized as a Not For Profit Corporation authorized to do business in the State of Florida with their tax exempt status.

    Why was my organization not recommended for funding?

    When a request is not recommended for funding, it does not imply that the program/event is not vital, instead, it indicates that the program doesn’t fit within the established guidelines or that all charitable funds for the year have been allocated.

    Some common criteria not met by declined organizations may include, but is not limited to:

    • The organization submitted an incomplete proposal, was not on time, or did not include all required attachments
    • The organization does not meet several of the partnership guidelines
    • The proposed programs/events lack quality or significance
    • The proposed programs/events lack clear and measurable goals, objectives and outcomes
    • The proposed programs/events do not impact the City of Pompano Beach as a whole, or organizations that do not provide services to the City of Pompano Beach residents
    • The organization is not an established and/or fiscally responsible organization
    • Based on the budget, the proposed programs/events are not affordable
    • The budget provided has mostly disallowable expenditures
    • The organization does not show significant support from other funders or collaboration with other community organizations
    • The organization does not submit the appropriate required supporting documentation
    • The organization may lack the leadership and staff to carry out the proposed events/programs and to meet the reporting requirements set forth by the City

    In addition to the above criteria, a historical review of an organization's previous partnership with the City of Pompano Beach is conducted. If an organization has been awarded in the past, this does not guarantee the City's support of their proposed event/program. Applicants are recommended based on their current proposals, the quality of the applications received within each funding priority and their performance in previous fiscal years.

    Failure to meet the agreed upon contractual terms, could result in an organization not being recommended for funding in the future. Some examples of how groups fail to meet the contractual agreements include but are not limited to failure to meet reporting deadlines, failure to utilize awarded funds for agreed upon expenditures, failure to meet proposed impact numbers, etc.

    Who do I contact for permission to use the City's logo?

    To request the City's logo and/or to request usage permission please contact the City's Strategic Communications Administrator, Sandra King. You may reach her at: Please title the subject line of the email to read: City of Pompano Beach Community Partnership Logo Request for (Name of Your Organization).

      Is there a contact if I have any questions?

      Please direct any questions about the application process to Kelly Alvarez Vitale, President of Strategic Philanthropy. You may reach her at: Please title the subject line of the email to read: City of Pompano Beach Community Partnership Request for (Name of Your Organization).