The Pompano Beach Pier will be closed on Friday, January 24th, and Saturday, January 25th. The pier will reopen on Sunday, January 26th.

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Plans and Studies

East District

Pompano Beach Parking Study
Pompano Beach Traffic Study
Amended and Restated East CRA Plan

Northwest District

Amended and Restated Northwest CRA Plan
Downtown Pompano Connectivity Plan
Preliminary Cultural Facilities Space Planning
Downtown Pompano Redevelopment Market Assessment
Preliminary Traffic Feasibility Analysis for Dr. Martin Luther King Blvd
Downtown Pompano Beach Traffic Study
Downtown Pompano Beach Traffic Study Appendix

Downtown Pompano Massing & Zoning Analysis

The City of Pompano Beach (City) has amended the Broward County Comprehensive Plan for a specific geographic area in the City known as the Downtown Pompano Transit Oriented Corridor (DPTOC). The basis for this reclassification was due to the existing Broward County Transit Center at the intersection of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. (MLK, Jr. Blvd.) and S. Dixie Hwy. and the future passenger rail system along the FEC corridor, which will provide improved transit service to the area.

As a result of this amendment, the Pompano Beach Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) conducted a massing and zoning analysis workshop to present the overall zoning plan for the future DPTOC. The public was invited to participate in the design process and provided input on the items presented.

Below is the supporting documentation from the Public Meeting held to present the Massing and Zoning Analysis - Downtown Pompano Transit Oriented Corridor (DPTOC) to the community.

East Transit Oriented Corridor

The ETOC or East Transit Oriented Corridor is a designated area where the City is proposing major land use plan and zoning code changes to implement a district that allows mixed use development with commercial uses on the first floor, primarily along US 1 and Atlantic Boulevard, and residential units on upper floors. The ETOC provides the connection between the east Atlantic neighborhoods, the Beach area and the Downtown district at Atlantic Boulevard and Dixie Highway. The City is taking the lead on this effort to ensure that the planning for the District is not done on a piecemeal basis by individual developers seeking their own Comprehensive Plan amendment and rezoning to Planned Development (PD).

To create the ETOC district, the City has processed a Comprehensive Plan map and text amendment, has prepared a form-based zoning code which addresses neighborhood height and design compatibility and has completed a traffic analysis. This project is listed as a “High Priority” in the City’s Strategic Plan. A summary of the most pertinent facts related to each of these efforts is provided below.

East Transit Oriented Corridor Summary Fact Sheet