The City of Pompano Beach continues to make strategic investments in both the City’s infrastructure as well as City safety and beautification. Many of the investments were made possible due to a $181 million General Obligation bond passed in 2018 for citywide public improvements which include the Fisher Family Pier, the Pier Garage, and the Atlantic Blvd bridge on the barrier island. In addition, private investments through the City/CRA have created the Fishing Village comprised of 6-acres of beachfront redevelopment which has transformed Pompano Beach into a world-class destination with many options for dining and shopping, including a hotel.
Downtown Pompano Beach
The Future Downtown is Pompano Beach’s vision of creating a vibrant and pedestrian-friendly, urban, mixed-use area by attracting a combination of business, technical, corporate, government, hospitality, education and cultural uses. Following a “Smart City” concept that considers the physical and technical integration of people and places, Downtown is projected to become a hub of activity. With over 30-acres of assembled land available for redevelopment and major investments already completed in infrastructure and streetscape, the City will create a 70-acre, walkable, smart city hub designed for innovation, integrating residential, commercial, cultural and cutting-edge industries.

The Pomp-LIVE!
The Cordish Companies and Caesars Entertainment have announced The Pomp, a 223-acre project, which will be anchored by a dynamic Live! dining and entertainment district. As one of the largest developments in South Florida, The Pomp will bring together entertainment, dining, hotel, retail, residential, office and lifestyle amenities, alongside the successful Harrah’s Pompano Beach casino, in one world-class destination.

Current Citywide Projects
To view all current planned commercial, residential, private, and public projects see this document.