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Engineering FAQ

Engineering FAQ

How to submit a Maintenance of Traffic plan (MOT)?

Maintenance of Traffic (MOT) Instructions/Requirements: An approved MOT Plan from the Broward County Traffic Engineering Division (BCTED) shall be required when work is being performed within Broward County Right of Way regardless of whether a right-of-way permit is required.

How many inches does my limerock have to be?

Pavers 4”, Asphalt 6”

Can I pull a homeowner permit for asphalt?


What is a 5 foot set back?

Docks are not permitted in the 5’ side property line set back. Per code 151.03 (D) No fixed docks, floating docks, wharves, finger piers, boat lifts (floating or stationary), mooring devices, dolphin, mooring or fender piles, mooring buoys or other similar structures may be erected or installed within five feet of an extended side property line or cause a watercraft to extend within five feet of an extended side property line unless the following conditions have been met prior to any permit being issued pursuant to the terms of this section:

(1) The affected abutting property owners shall enter into an agreement with the city which states the property owners have reviewed and approved the proposed plans as they relate to the placement of any structure which is erected within five feet of the extended property line and the owners indemnify the city for any claim brought against the city for the placement of structures installed within five feet of the extended property line. The agreement shall be approved by the Office of the City Attorney for legal content and recorded along with a copy of the approved plans in the Public Records of Broward County, Florida, and shall be considered to be a restriction running with the land and shall bind the heirs, successors and assigns of the property owners.

What do I need to submit with a permit for a dock, driveway, etc.?

Signed and sealed engineered drawings, engineering permit application. Submit a copy of a contract or a schedule of values for the proposed dock, seawall, driveway or boatlift. Per Page 2 of the Engineering Application: In order to determine permit fees, please provide an executed contract between the registered property owner and the contractor performing the proposed work.

How far can my dock extend out into my canal?

151.03 (2) Fixed boat docks, floating docks or wharves may be constructed or installed to extend into any canal, river, basin, or waterway a distance of 10% of the width of the canal, river, basin, or waterway or a distance of eight feet whichever is less, as measured from the recorded property line or measurement reference line.

How much is a Permit?

What do I need to include in my submittal? 4% cost of the proposed work. Submit sign and sealed plans along with a copy of a contract or a schedule of values for the proposed dock, seawall, driveway or boatlift. Per Page 2 of the Engineering Application: In order to determine permit fees, please provide an executed contract between the registered property owner and the contractor performing the proposed work.

Do I need a permit for patchwork?


Do I need a permit for over lay?


Do I need a permit seal coating?


How many feet from the road can I add blocks in the swale area?

No Pyramids, round blocks only. See code 100.35 (A) (B) (C) and (D) (A) It shall be unlawful for any person to erect, build, construct, deposit, or place on or in any street, or any place where the public has the right of passage, any building, structure, or obstruction of any kind whatsoever, or to enclose any street, park, or other public property. Provided, however, that a receptacle for the actual curbside delivery of mail shall not be prohibited pursuant to this section as long as such receptacle does not exceed five feet in height and is securely mounted on posts no larger than four-inch by four-inch or four and one half-inch diameter wood posts or two-inch diameter standard steel or aluminum pipe buried no more than 24 inches in the ground, and the receptacle for mail is located in a manner which does not obstruct vehicular or pedestrian traffic or pose a public safety hazard.

(B) Any building, structure, or obstruction abutting or encroaching upon any public street, alley, sidewalk, or right-of-way swale area in the city is hereby declared to be a public nuisance against the welfare and safety of the public, and the owner, or lessee or agent of the owner, or any person responsible for the presence of any such public nuisance shall remove the nuisance or otherwise comply with the exemption requirements of this section, and shall be guilty of a punishable offense for placement of the nuisance, or for failure to remove same, or for both.

(C) Loose stone, pebbles, pea rock, or similar loose material shall not be placed in the public right-of-way swale area or driveways within the public right-of-way.

(D) Approved parking areas within the public right-of-way shall comply with § 100.27. Poured concrete, flagstones, and similar materials shall not be used for construction of parking areas and landscaped areas in the public right-of-way. Paved driveways within the public right-of-way for vehicular use shall be constructed of asphalt concrete, poured concrete, paver blocks, turf block or poured Chattahoochee rock surface to grades subject to the approval of the City Engineer. However, in the event the materials are damaged or removed from the public right-of-way as the result of utility construction, repairs, or any other reason, the city shall only be required to replace or restore the paved driveway with asphalt pavement.

How deep does a swale have to be per code?

3” driveway aprons 6” grass swales.

What is the clearance of a bridge during low/high tide?

Bridge heights are measured from the Mean High Tide water mark to inform vessel operators this is the closest height to bridge span. This dimension or clearance to the bridge span is located on the bridge usually offset from the center of the span. Most bridged will have addition statements/language that there is additional footage/clearance at the center of the bridge. The reason Bridges are coded this way is to allow passage under a bridge for a single vessel which usually travel down the center of the span or when 2 vessel’s cross under a bridge at the same time or side by side.

How big of a boat can I dock on my seawall?

See code 91.10

What’s the minimum/maximum size can my boat lift be?

See code 151.03 (4)

(4) Boat davits, elevator lifts, cradle lifts, floating lifts, floating platforms used for the express purpose of storing a watercraft out of the water or any other similar form of boat lifting device may be constructed or installed to extend into any canal, river, basin, or waterway, in a fully raised position, a distance equal to 20% of the width of the canal, river, basin, or waterway or a distance of 20 feet, whichever is less, as measured from the recorded property line or measurement reference line.