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Quiet Flying, Master Plan and History

Quiet Flying is Good Business

The City of Pompano Beach, owner and operator of Pompano Beach Air Park, is concerned with the impact of aircraft operations over sensitive residential areas. Pilot in Command (PIC) cooperation in adhering to guidelines and procedures is critical in minimizing this impact. Take a look at our guidelines and noise awareness steps.

Air Park Master Plan Update (2021)

Pompano Beach Air Park History

Pompano Beach Airport was constructed during World War II as a satellite training field serving the Naval Air Station located at what is now Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport. Pompano Beach Air Park is owned and operated by the City of Pompano Beach. The Air Park is a Federal Surplus Property Act airport and was Deeded to the City with Grant Assurances and Declarations of Protective Covenants that the property be used for aviation purposes. The Surplus Property Act of 1947 and 1948 states that any airport lands conveyed under the act must be used for aviation purposes or ownership reverts back to the FAA. The FAA can, however, release excess portions of the property for non-aviation purposes; any proceeds from the sale of excess property must be used to support airport growth and development under the stipulations of the Surplus Property Act.

On August 29, 1947, the City of Pompano Beach obtained the Airport under the Surplus Property Act of 1947 and renamed it Pompano Beach Air Park, due to its intention to limit the airport's usage to general aviation. For the same reason, the FAA categorizes Pompano Beach Air Park as a general aviation (GA) airport serving non-airline aviation business. This includes privately owned aircraft for recreational/business use and aviation operators such as charter, sightseeing, aerial photography/surveying, law enforcement/medical and flight training. The FAA designates General Aviation (GA) airports as Public Use Facilities that do not have scheduled air carrier operations, such as regional or major airlines or large aircraft charters.

Additional lands surrounding the Air Park, including land along Copans Road and the Florida East Coast Railway tracks (NE 5th Ave.) to the west of the Air Park, were transferred to the City on June 24, 1948, bringing the total acreage at the Air Park to 1,035 acres. On August 5, 1958, 10 acres of Air Park property were released to Broward County School Board for the construction of Pompano Beach Elementary School. The County received 9 more acres on September 18, 1967 for the construction of Pompano Beach High School. On March 8, 1958, the City sold 60 acres, located in the northeast corner of the Air Park Property, for development of the Pompano Fashion Square Mall now called Pompano Citi-Centre. An additional transfer of Air Park property happened in 1981 when 10 acres in the southwestern section of the Air Park Property were purchased by the Pompano Elks Club and subsequently turned into the award-winning Youth Sports Complex. The final transfer of Air Park property occurred in 2007 when approximately 300 acres of land were transferred to the City with the release of property that included a portion of the golf course (including the dog park), Community Park (which includes the Emma Lou Olsen Civic Center and Amphitheater), City's Water Treatment Plant, Public Works Compound, Fire Station 24 and the land where the Sample McDougal house is located at Centennial Park. These transfers now account for the current total 650 acres of the Air Park.

In 2021, an Airport Master Plan Update (under Air Park Plan Update), was approved by the City Commission which outlines the capital improvement projects recommended over the next twenty (20) years for ensuring the airport meets safety/security and compliance requirements in accordance with FAA Design Standards and associated Advisory Circulars.