All Click 2 Gov payments will be unavailable on 3/13/25 after 6pm for scheduled maintenance. Service will resume by end of day on 3/14/25. We apologize for an inconvenience this may cause.

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Animal Control

General Information

The officers spend little time in the office, therefore, a phone call rather than email is the most efficient means to contact the officer. After leaving a voicemail message, he will be paged and promptly return your call during on duty hours. If an email is sent to the division, please understand it may be a few days before a reply is generated. If you need to send an email please send it to this address. Always include a telephone number where you can be reached.

Contact and Hours

Hours of Operation: 6:30 am - 6:30 pm.
7 Days excluding Wednesday between 10:30 am - 2:30 pm.

In our absence Broward County Animal Care and Adoption Division handles calls and complaints in the City.

Broward County Animal Care and Adoption:
In the event of an emergency always dial 911.

Jason Soldini, Animal Control Officer

Jason joined the Animal Control Division in 1996. He is a certified animal control officer. His area of expertise is abuse investigations and emergency management relating to animals. Jason leads investigations and prosecutions in dangerous dog cases.

Anonymous Complaints

A considerable number of anonymous complaints come in daily. We do respond to all of them. It should be noted that by being anonymous you sometimes limit our ability to enforce the city ordinance and state statute.

Barking dog is one case in point. Our ordinance reads, "disturbs the sleep peace and tranquility of the inhabitants". When we respond to a nuisance barking complaint and the complainant is anonymous we will only issue a warning. The reason for this is that the animal is not disturbing our sleep, peace, and tranquility, it is disturbing yours. We cannot defend this citation in court without your participation.

We recognize the need for anonymity in some cases. As long as we can identify a violation and defend our position in court we will take the appropriate action. Unfortunately we sometimes cannot identify the problem without your participation. So please understand that we genuinely want to serve and protect you and your family, but sometimes we need your help.

Injured Wildlife

A wide variety of wildlife can be observed here in the City, especially birds. Unfortunately, an animal is sometimes injured and needs help. If an injured animal is observed it is best to consider what defense mechanisms it may use to defend itself from a perceived attack from the person trying to help it. Raccoon, fox, and opossum all have very sharp teeth. Many birds are designed with long necks and sharp sword like beaks and are able to strike the eye. Others have powerful jaws that could crack a nut. Before handling a potentially dangerous injured wild animal, consider these things and if there is concern that human injury may occur, then animal control or someone with protective equipment or experience should be notified.

Injured wildlife can be taken for treatment to: Wild Life Care Center; 3200 SW 4 Avenue, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33315 Phone: 954.524.4302


The City Animal Ordinance, chapter 90, is probably the most comprehensive animal ordinance in the country. It has been designed to address most issues imaginable. From confining dogs properly to the display of animals for entertainment, the ordinance helps the officers protect the quality of life for both people and animals in the City.

Did you know it is against City Ordinance to have your dog on a chain in the front yard? For more information please read the Ordinance.