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Sustainability Capital Improvement

Stormwater Master Plan

The purpose of this Stormwater Master Plan is to identify any deficiencies in the existing stormwater management system and to recommend system improvements to alleviate flooding problems within public right of way areas throughout the study areas. The Stormwater Master Plan will allow the City of Pompano Beach to understand the necessary drainage improvements over the next few years and to budget accordingly.

Stormwater Management Program

The City of Pompano Beach Stormwater Management Program is designed to provide surface water drainage in an environmentally sound, efficient and effective manner. Since drainage within our City is a combination of private property drainage systems, City systems, and State and local agency systems, the program only works when we all work together.

The City system serves about 25 square miles of land, and 113,000 residents with swales, water retention/detention areas, underground pipes, canals and lakes. Ultimately, the system discharges surface water/rainwater flows to the Intra-Coastal Waterway. We coordinate private development and the public infrastructure, including other agency facilities, to meet flood protection and water quality goals. These agencies include the South Florida Water Management District, Broward County and even the Florida Department of Transportation.

For more information on stormwater, please see our brochure.

Leadership in energy efficiency and sustainable development

Key Measures

  • Develop and promote new facilities to meet LEED standards
  • Retro-fit existing facilities as appropriate
  • 100% of new facilities meet FL State Statute LEED guidelines

Plan for ocean level rise

  • Key Measures
  • Prepare for long term impacts of ocean rise
  • Develop appropriate policies or standards

In July 2016, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in partnership with Broward County launched a Flood Risk Management Study for tidally influenced areas located in Broward County to address flooding problems. Through analysis of current and future flooding frequency and evaluation of the risks of storm surge flooding and economic impacts, the justification for a regional resiliency standard for seawall elevations was developed. Extensive outreach by the County was conducted to its 31-municipalities to develop a regional standard to serve as a planning foundation for municipal adoption. As a result, the City’s Engineering Department in conjunction with the Marine Advisory Board have been drafting proposed amendments to our Code to establish a minimum seawall height and the criteria to enforce raising of seawalls, modeled off results from the study. It’s anticipated that these proposed amendments went into effect in the Spring of 2020.

Current Projects

Conduct an analysis of the potential impacts of rising ocean levels on the City. The Stormwater Master Plan identified the areas which will be underwater after 3 feet of ocean rise. The City has begun a project of retrofitting the stormwater outfalls to the Intracoastal Waterway to prevent back flow. FY 2017 Goal – 100% completion Status - Tideflex check-valves have been installed on drainage outfall.

Reuse Water System Capital Improvement Program

The Capital Improvement Program (CIP) for the City’s reuse water system is an integration of both renewal and replacement (R&R) improvements (which serve to replace aging system components) and capacity upgrade improvements (which are required to serve future system demands). The expansion of the reuse water distribution system will be completed in phases by specific service areas.

Reuse Map
Reuse Pipe

Service Area 5E includes the City of Lighthouse Point

The City of Pompano Beach owns and operates a 7.5 mgd reuse water treatment and distribution system that supplies reuse water for irrigation use to golf courses, community parks, commercial properties, City medians and residential areas. The City also has reuse water large user agreements with the City of Lighthouse Point. The City’s reuse water is distributed to the customers through a high-pressure piping network system comprised of approximately 30 miles of pipes ranging in size from 4-inch to 30-inch. The City completed the expansion of the reuse water transmission and distribution system to Service Area 5E in 2019.