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Press Release

Date Released: December 12, 2024

Special City Commission Meeting

City Commission Chambers | 100 West Atlantic Boulevard

Monday, December 16th

1:00 pm

The City of Pompano Beach will hold a Special City Commission Meeting to discuss the 2024-2027 Collective Bargaining Agreement between the Federation of Public Employees and the City of Pompano Beach.

The Special Meeting will begin with a public meeting and recess to begin the Executive Session. Per Florida Statute 447.605 (1), collective bargaining meetings between the City Commission, City Manager, and the negotiating team for the public employer are closed to the public and exempt from the provisions of Florida Statute 286.011, also known as the Sunshine Law.

Upon conclusion of the Executive Session, the City Commission will reconvene the public portion of the Special Meeting and move forward with discussions related to the regular posted agenda. The Commission will first consider a motion to rescind the action taken on Agenda Item 14 from the December 10, 2024, City Commission Meeting relating to the 2024-2027 Collective Bargaining Agreement between the Federation of Public Employees and the City of Pompano Beach.

Additionally, the second item on the agenda will be the consideration and approval of the 2024-2027 Collective Bargaining Agreement between the Federation of Public Employees and the City of Pompano Beach.

Special City Commission Meeting