Pompano Beach Businesses:
Please take advantage of the services of the City of Pompano Beach Job Placement Center, which could be simply sending your open positions to be included in our distribution or signing up to attend one of our Job Seeker Orientation happening on the 2nd Thursday of every month from 4-6pm to share information on your company and its open positions. You may contact the City of Pompano Beach Job Placement Center for more ways that we may be of service at no cost to your company or job seekers.
Pompano Beach Job Seekers:
Mark your calendar to attend the next Job Seeker Orientation happening on the 2nd Thursday of every month from 4-6pm at the E. Pat Larkins Community Center for workforce resources ranging from Broward College bringing its Broward UP Program into the community to Florida Ready to Work providing training and credentialing of the foundational and transferable employability skills required for most jobs in Florida to open positions from local employers and more.
Community and Workforce Partners:
Let us know how you can help Pompano Beach employers and job seekers thrive.
You can check HERE for details on upcoming workforce events and the next Job Seeker Orientation happening on the 2nd Thursday of every month
Job Placement Center Contact
Dahlia Baker