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Contact Your Legislators

Contact Your Legislators

What is a letter writing campaign?

Contact Your Legislator

The most direct way of impacting a legislator is through a letter writing campaign. The more letters a legislator receives, the more important the issue becomes. The letters may be directed toward any elected official or a particular government agency.

In order to assist the residents of Pompano Beach in writing effective letters, four sample letters have been prepared that can be sent to state legislators. They are available below. Only the information highlighted in blue needs to be completed by the resident.

Two of the letters are concerning legislation currently being considered by the Florida Legislature (House Bill 6003 and Senate Bill 788). Below are hyperlinks to the proposed bills.

  • House Bill 6003
  • Senate Bill 788
  • Since many residents have expressed concerns regarding Sober Homes, a sample letter requesting the Florida Legislature address Sober Homes has been prepared.
  • Finally, the fourth letter is a generic letter which you can edit to address any issue, legislation, agency, or concern you might have.

Sample Letter regarding House Bill 6003 – Vacation Rentals

Sample Letter regarding Senate Bill 788 – Recovery Residences

Sample Letter supporting legislation that regulates Sober Homes

Sample Letter supporting any topic

To find your legislators, please go to the following webpages:

Office Hours

State Representative Mitch Rosenwald is going to hold office hours in Pompano Beach at the following places and times:

The second Tuesday of each month, commencing March 11, from 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM at the Herb Skolnick Community Center, Rm. 3, at 800 SW 36th Avenue

The second Thursday of each month, commencing April 10, from 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM at Jan Moran Collier City Learning Library, at 2800 NW 9th Court.

At those places and times, we will be available to respond to any constituent needs and concerns.