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Housing & Property

Short Term Rentals

What are short-term rentals?

A short term rental is a dwelling unit that rents or leases any living quarters or accommodation by the day, week, month or any other length of time for a term of six months or less in a calendar year. An example of short-term rental may include a home posted on a website like,, or other similar service.

How do I apply to the City for Rental Properties and/or a Short-term Rentals?

Click here for step-by-step instructions.

Are “short-term rentals” allowed in Pompano Beach?

An annual permit is required to operate a short term rental property in Pompano Beach.

What rules apply to “short-term rentals”?

As a part of the required permit, there are several standards associated with operating a short-term rental. Operators must obtain a license as a Transient Public Lodging Establishment with the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulations, a certificate of registration with the Florida Department of Revenue, a Broward County Business Tax Receipt and a City Business Tax Receipt. Upon approval of the permit, an Inspection will be organized that will include several inspectors from a variety of city departments.

What can the city do if a “short-term rental” is causing problems in the neighborhood?

If the operator of a short-term rental is causing problems in the neighborhood, under certain circumstances the city can revoke the annual permit. Reasons for revocation include, but are not limited to, false statements made on the application, reoccurring determinations by the Special Magistrate of violations of the code related to off-street parking, noise disturbances, refuse/ trash, and/ or other repeated code violations.

Who can I call if the “short-term rental” is causing problems in the neighborhood?

The most common complaints the City receives, as well as the City department’s contact information, are available on the "Complaints: Who to Contact” tab. Complaints regarding Noise are also available on the “Noise” tab. Please review these pages and contact the responsible department. If the complaint is not listed, please email

List of Short Term Rentals in Pompano Beach

To view a list of short term rentals please see this document.

SBA Offers Disaster Assistance to Businesses and Residents of Florida Affected by Recent Severe Storms, Tornadoes and Flooding

For more information please see the links below:

My Safe Florida Home Program

The My Safe Florida Home Program is now open and accepting applications for free hurricane home inspections. Owners of any site-built, single-family residential Florida property may apply for a free home hurricane inspection. The owner will receive an inspection report and recommended improvements. Eligible applicants may then apply for program grant money for home strengthening improvements.

For more information about eligible activities and grant applicants, please visit the website at Homeowners can register using the My Safe Florida Home Participant Portal.

Under Florida law, correspondence with the Florida Division of Emergency Management concerning agency business that is neither confidential nor exempt pursuant to Florida Statutes is a public record and will be made available to the public upon request.

FPL Scams, Fraud and Impostors

FPL is warning residents that scammers are aggressively targeting utility company customers across Florida and the rest of the country using sophisticated tactics to pocket quick cash. Visit this link to help protect yourself from scams, fraud and impostors.

To report an issue please call the Broward Sheriff's Office non-emergency number: 954-764-HELP (4357)

Do you need help paying your energy bill?

Emergency Home Energy Assistance Program (EHEAP) can help. Are you 60 or over and do you reside in Broward County? Have you received a "Past Due", "Final" or "Disconnection" notice? Are you are United States citizen or a resident alien who is eligible for Federal Benefits? Is your total Household Gross Income 150% of the Federal Poverty level or less, as documented by Social Security statements, pay stubs, etc?

Contact the Northeast Focal Point, 227 NW 2 Street, Deerfield Beach, FL 33441 or call 954.745.9779 to learn more.

Historic Register

The city of Pompano Beach is seeking nominations for its Historic Register. Nominations may include properties owned by private citizens, businesses and nonprofit organizations. The properties or sites must reflect a distinct architectural style that is worthy of preservation or must represent a person, event or era that was important in the history and development of Pompano Beach. In general, properties should be at least 50 years old. The city and Broward County offer tax incentives for properties on the city's Historic Register. For more information, please contact the Pompano Beach Development Services Department at 954.786.4629. A member of the Historic Preservation Committee will respond.

Other Helpful Links

Building permitting

Broward County Guaranteed Rent Program for Pompano Beach Landlords

Flood Insurance Rating

Florida Power & Light

Homeowners Association List

Reuse Water Sign up

Solid Waste and Recycling

Water Billing