Broward County FROG Program
FROG stands for Fats, Rags, Oils and Greases. FROG stands for Fats, Rags, Oils and Greases. An ever-increasing concern for lift stations are fats, rags, oils and greases, which are disposed of into the City sewers and lead to increased risks of back-ups and wastewater spills for your home and the City’s pipes. Though all four can have a negative impact on the wastewater system, rag-related problems have increased dramatically with negative effects on lift station operations. Rags are non-biodegradable items, such as “flushable” wipes and feminine products. Many household items that are considered "flushable" do not degrade in the system as stated. They 'clog' the inside of the pump, decreasing the pump's efficiency. Unchecked, they could completely stop a 100-horsepower pump! The City spends a significant amount of time removing "flushable" items from the pumps, so please think before you flush!
View this flyer to learn more about avoiding costly clogs in your home!

Courtesy of Des Moines Metropolitan Wastewater Reclamation Authority
Pump Stations
The City’s 81 wastewater lift stations take the wastewater that is collected by gravity pipes from homes and businesses and then pumps the waste to the Broward County North Regional Wastewater Treatment Facility.
Relining Program
The City lines our 197 miles of wastewater pipes and 4,380 manholes in order to prevent infiltration and inflow (i.e., preventing groundwater and stormwater from entering the wastewater system).
Jet Vac Program
The City regularly cleans wastewater pipes with Jet Vac trucks. There are various types of material that can clog the sewer, including tree roots, sludge, minerals, dirt, trash, grease, and sand.
Smoke Testing Program
The City occasionally conducts smoke testing, which involves blowing harmless smoke into the wastewater system to identify possible issues. The smoke is non-toxic, clean, harmless to humans, pets, food and material goods, odorless, and is not a fire hazard. Smoke testing can assist in locating bad sewer connections that homeowners or occupants are not aware of. Please note that before conducting any smoke testing, the City will notify all customers in the affected area.
Wastewater Frequently Asked Questions
Where does the wastewater go for treatment?
The City's wastewater goes from the individual homes and businesses to the Broward County North Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant for processing.
Do we still have septic tanks in the City?
Only a few locations within the City still have septic tanks.
What is a Wastewater lift station?
A wastewater lift station takes the wastewater (sewage) that is collected by gravity pipes from homes and businesses and then pumps the waste to the wastewater treatment plant.
How many lift stations does the City have and how many are private?
81 lift stations are maintained by City of Pompano, with two owned by Lauderdale-by-the-Sea. There are approximately 85 private lift stations. About half are located on A1A and South Ocean Blvd, with the others located west of the Intracoastal Waterway.
Wastewater transmission:
- We have approximately 59 miles of force main pipes ranging from 2" to 42" in diameter.
- The wastewater in the force main is pumped to the North Broward County Regional Plant for treatment on Copan's Road.
- We have 17.0 MGD reserved capacity at the Regional Plant.
What happens when the lift station loses FPL power?
The City will provide power to its lift station either by a stationary generator or a portable type unit.
Will the generator the city brings to the lift station have my power restored?
No, the generator is for the lift station only. However, because the homeowner and the City lift station are both on the same FPL grid line, it may help your power be restored a little faster.
Who do I call if the lift station alarm is going off?
Check the placard on the lift station and call the number listed.
What causes sewer gases in the home and whom do I call?
The causes of sewer gas (rotten egg smell) is created by the decomposition of waste materials. When the home's plumbing system is working properly, the naturally-occurring sewer gas is directed up and out of the building through a vent system, which exits through the roof. No sewer odor should be ever be present. If you suspect a sewer odor, it’s best to make sure all toilets or sinks P-traps are full of water. (A P-trap is a plumbing fixture that stops sewer gases from passing into the home). Sometimes if not used regularly, the water in the P-trap may have evaporated, thus causing sewer gases to enter the home. If the odor persists, a qualified plumber should be contacted.
Who is responsible for the private lift station maintenance?
The property owner is required to maintain the lift station through a private contractor.
Who is responsible for the private piping?
The property owner.
Will the city provide a generator for my private lift station?
No, the property owner of a private contractor should.
Why are City of Pompano Beach trucks in the Lauderdale by the Sea (LBTS) area?
The City has a contract with LBTS to maintain the town’s lift stations.
What happens if there is a wastewater spill?
The City is required to notify the proper authorities of the problem and quantity, clean up the spill and perform environmental testing. If the lift station is privately owned, the City will charge the lift station owner for the repair and clean-up.
What does the city do during and after a hurricane?
The City stages emergency equipment and secures the equipment in the field. After a hurricane, we assess the damages and deploy generators as needed at various locations until FPL restores power.
Are there any locations in the U.S. that treat wastewater and turn it into drinking water?
Yes. California, Texas, and Florida are all examples of states either practicing Direct Potable Reuse (DPR) or conducting pilot studies to do so. There are also some countries, such as Singapore, that are doing DPR. Namibia's capital, Windhoek (among the most arid places in Africa), practices DPR on a large-scale with recycled water going directly into the tap water distribution system.