View or Pay your Water Bill Online
Contact Us
Customer Service and Utility Emergencies: Water Service and Billing
Daytime number: 954-786-4637
Number between 6 and 7:30 PM – 954-540-5769
After &:30 PM and emergencies – 954-942-2202
Utilities Administration Offices
Phone: 954.545.7043
Fax: 954.545.7046
Switch to E-billing and Go Paperless
You can stop receiving your bill by mail and receive an E-Bill instead. Access your account online or just e-mail us with your account number and email address.
Electronic Meter Reading
The City of Pompano Beach now uses electronic meter reading. This means we no longer send a meter reader to read your water meter, but read it remotely by means of radio transmission. This new technology ensures accuracy and captures a more detailed history of your monthly usage. In order for your meter to transmit accurate readings, the area around and over the meter box must be kept clear. Please be careful to not allow grass and landscaping to overgrow your water meter box. The City of Pompano Beach appreciates your help.

Sign Up For Reuse Irrigation

If you own a single family residence, view a map to see if you are in a reuse service area and sign up online at
If you own a commercial or multifamily residence or are a contractor hooking up to reuse on your own, view instructions on how to hook up to reuse.
You may also contact Customer Service via telephone at (954) 786-4637.
Water Cross Connection and Back flow Prevention Manual
Water Reuse Manual
Water Restrictions
Residences and businesses with an odd-numbered street address may water lawns and landscapes on Wednesdays and/or Saturdays, only before 10:00 a.m. or after 4:00 p.m.
Residences and businesses with an even-numbered street address, no street address, or those who irrigate both even and odd addresses within the same zones, which may include multi-family units and homeowners associations, may water lawns and landscapes on Thursdays and/or Sundays, only before 10:00 a.m. or after 4:00 p.m.
Residences and businesses that use reuse water for irrigation are allowed to water all days, except between 10 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Download the latest Landscape Irrigation Water Restrictions for Residents and Businesses
If you have any questions about the current water restrictions call the South Florida Water Management District hot line at 800.662.8876 or the City of Pompano Beach Customer Service Department at 954.786.4637.
Backflow Test Data Site
BSI (800-414-4990) is our vendor that operates our backflow program data collection. Simply go online, create a user ID, submit the fees related to your test and enter the test data.
Annual Water Quality Report
To view the drinking water Annual Water Quality Report, please click on this link or the image inside this box.

Utility Payments by Mail or in Person
City of Pompano Beach
P O Box 908
Pompano Beach, FL 33061
Our offices
100 W. Atlantic Boulevard,
Pompano Beach, FL 33060
City Hall 1st Floor, room 119
Outdoor Water Saving Ideas
The single largest controllable use of water is irrigation. It has been determined that the most efficient time to water your landscaping is after 4:00 p.m. and before 10:00 a.m. To foster the efficient use of water the City has a formal ordinance that authorizes the issuance of a fine for violators.
Please note that everyone's landscaping is different, as such one should monitor the condition of the vegetation when making changes to watering patterns. The following are general guidelines that will assist in minimizing the amount of water used to irrigate your lawn.
- Use an automatic sprinkler timer (timers do not forget to turn the sprinklers off).
- In general, sprinklers should run for 15 to 20 minutes per zone.
- Retrofit your old sprinkler timer with a rain cup. This device will prevent your sprinkler system from coming on when it is raining. All new systems are required to have one!
- Xeriscape your property. The use of indigenous plants that can flourish with little or no additional will not only help preserve the natural beauty of Pompano Beach, but will save you money on your water bill. The South Florida Water Management District has free publications including information on xeriscaping.
- Check your sprinkler system on a regular basis for loose, broken, or missing sprinkler heads. Use the right heads. Either use empty tuna cans to measure how much water various parts of your lawn receives, or simply walk through the lawn to make sure the entire lawn is being watered. Do not waste water by having sprinkler heads spray on fences or driveways.
- The South Florida Water Management District offers several free pamphlets.
Indoor Water Savings Ideas
- To check for leaks in your plumbing system simply take a meter reading, do not use any water for one hour and take a second meter reading. If the reading has changed you, have a leak.
- Retrofit all faucets with aerators that contain a flow restrictor.
- Use appropriate load setting on your washing machine. For example washing just one or two items with a load size of "jumbo" use more water than necessary to clean the clothes.
- Fill your dishwasher before doing a wash. Unlike the washing machine, the dishwasher uses the same amount of water regardless of the number of items to be cleaned.
- Install low flow showerheads. Modern low-flow heads are efficient and unlike older low flow models, they have a higher customer satisfaction level. Don't thaw items by using running water, either defrost the item overnight on the refrigerator, or use a microwave oven.
- A leaking toilet in your home can waste thousands of gallons a month. Leaking fill valves and flush valves (flappers) are the most common causes of toilet leaks. Remember that fixing leaks saves you money not only on your water charges, but can also save on your sewer charges.
How To Find A Water Leak In Your House
Hot Water Tanks
Check the pressure relief valve on the hot water tank. Sometimes these valves are plumbed directly into a drain and may be leaking without your knowledge. If you can't remove the drain pipe to check for a leak listen for a hissing sound, it may be leaking.
Check the toilet for leaks by removing the top off the tank and listening very closely. If you hear any hissing at all, try to locate where it's coming from. If you locate the area where the leak is coming from, assess it and determine if you can fix it. If you can't, then call a plumber. If nothing is noticeable, add some food coloring and put a couple of drops in the tank (not the bowl). Wait several minutes and if you have coloring in the bowl, you have a leak in the flapper at the bottom of the tank that is allowing water to seep through. At this point you can assess if you want to do the repair yourself, or call a plumber.
If you have more toilets, go ahead and repeat the process with each toilet to make sure you don't have more than one problem.
See this video for more help.
Meter Line
If the toilets are fine, check the line running from the meter to the house. While this may sound difficult you can save money if you can locate the leak for the plumber.
If you know you have a shut-off valve by the house, shut it off temporarily and check the meter by removing the lid and watching the flow rate. If it shows no flow than the problem is after the shut-off valve, if it still shows flow then the problem is between the meter and the shut-off valve, most likely underground. At this point, walk the area between the meter and the shut-off valve. Look for signs of a leak such as: soft muddy areas, grass that is greener than the rest or growing much faster than other areas. If you see such an obvious sign, call the plumber or assess if you can make the repair yourself.
Hose Bibs
Check all hose bibs, inside and outside to see if any are leaking.
Sprinkler System
Run the system through all the zones to check if any heads have low pressure. This could indicate where you might have a break in the line. Also make sure all heads are intact and not missing. Check the timer settings. Add the amount of time the system is set to run for all the zones. Watering is mandated to twice a week.
Pools or fountains
Make sure drain plugs in fountains or small ponds are secure and not open. Make sure your pool has no leaks that require refilling of the water.
Information regarding opening a or closing a utility account
- Any person wishing to open a utility account must present a state issued photo id (driver's license is acceptable).
- Documentation (i.e. a Notarized Lease) verifying when you moved into your new home may be required.
- Municipal Ordinance requires that a deposit secure all new or additional accounts.
- Deposits are held for four years and are applied to the accounts of customers whose bills have been paid by the due date that appears on the face of our statements.
- All deposits earn interest. Interest is calculated based on the interest earnings of the previous year.
- There are additional charges for installing new connections to the system. Please contact our office for additional fees.
- Please contact our office for information regarding opening or closing a utility account.
To contact us please call 954-786-4637 Monday - Thursday 7AM to 6PM or email us at