Panhandling. Don’t contribute to the problem.
The City of Pompano Beach cares about their residents and visitors. Panhandling has become more prevalent and is an inherently dangerous activity that takes place on the streets and intersections of S. Florida. Motorists that engage in supporting panhandling ultimately place themselves and the solicitor at extreme risk.
The best thing you can do to help panhandlers is to donate funds to non-profit organizations whose mission is to help people in need, such as individuals experiencing homelessness. There are a number of organizations that provide assistance to the homeless. Moreover, these organizations are governed by a Board of Directors and have annual audits to account for their spending. Therefore, when you donate you can be assured your money will be used for the purposes intended.
If you are considering donating for charitable purposes and want to know what organizations you can give to, the following is a list of organizations that the City provides grants to on an annual basis:
Covenant House Florida | Provide homeless youth transition services | | (954)-568-7939 |
Broward Partnership For Homeless | Provide home population transition services | | (954) 779‑3990 |
Second Chance Society | To assist homeless and struggling individuals to achieve the goal of becoming self-sufficient and its primary "outcome" is to move a homeless, struggling, at-risk individual from a state of chronic homelessness to a state of financial independence, sobriety, and the overall state of well-being. | | (954) 763-5999 |
First Call for Help of Broward, Inc. dba 211-Broward | General Helpline and Touchline Programs - to connect Pompano Beach residents to resources they need with just one call, 24 hours a day, seven days a week | | (954) 557-3912 |
Covenant House Florida, Inc. | Youth Employment Services (YES) program for Pompano Beach Youth Under 21 Experiencing Homelessness - to help disadvantaged, Pompano Beach youth under 21 from the City of Pompano Beach experiencing homelessness to overcome social or economic barriers to education, employment and promote individuals towards self-sufficiency. | | (954) 568-7931 |
Early Learning Coalition of Broward County | Child Care Match Program - to be used as part of the required match funding to reimburse child care centers and child care home facilities that provide care to low income children and families in the City of Pompano Beach eligible for child care subsidies. | | (954) 377-2190 |
Fort Lauderdale Independence Training Education (FLITE) Center | Supporting One United Resource Center - to provide a drop-in center model that provides triage services available at any time to serve at least 50 youth who are from/reside in Pompano and represent the majority of the aging out foster care population, survivors of human trafficking, displaced LGBT youth and youth who are homeless. | | (954) 540-7825 |
Helping Abused Neglected Disadvantaged Youth, Inc. (HANDY) | LYFE Program - to provide year-round programming for at-risk middle school age youth to strengthen protective factors by helping youth develop resiliency, a positive outlook, healthy family dynamics, pro-social relationships with peers and adults, positive decision-making skills, strong community attachment, and academic success; and reduce risk factors related to teen pregnancy, delinquency, substance abuse, family dysfunction, mental and physical health problems, negative peer associations, and school failure. | | (614) 738-1760 |
Our Father's House Soup Kitchen, Inc. | Bike Academy - to rehabilitate used bikes for use by the homeless/needy who lack reliable transportation. | | (954) 968-7550 |
Broward Sheriffs Office Homeless Resource Guide
The Broward Sheriffs Office has put together a helpful guide of resources available to the homeless. To view the guide please see this link.
Group Home
What is a group home?
A “group home” is referred to in the Zoning Regulations as a “Community Residence” or a “Recovery Community.” A “Community Residence” is a residential use that provides a family- style residence for people with developmental disabilities, mental illness, physical disabilities, the frail elderly, people in recovery from alcohol and/or drug addiction, and others with a disability that severely limit their ability to perform some of the everyday life tasks most of us take for granted. A “Recovery Community” is a larger aggregation of people in recovery, generally in multi-family structures, that do not emulate a biological family.
A “Community Residence” is either classified as a “Family Community Residence,” or a “Transitional Community Residence.” The relatively permanent Family Community Residence is allowed as a permitted use in single-family residential zoning districts; however, Transitional Community Residences (since they are more akin to the sort of housing for which multi-family districts were designed) warrant a case-by-case review if they are proposed in a single-family district and thus require a special exception in certain areas. Multi-family zoning districts will allow all community residences, provided that the proposed home complies with the adopted distance separation standards and is licensed or certified.
What rules apply to “group homes”?
In the City of Pompano Beach “group homes” are required to have a state license or state certification, group homes that are not licensed by a state agency must seek approval of the Zoning Board of Appeals, by way of a Special Exception in order to operate. They are required, pursuant to Florida State Statutes and the City of Pompano Beach Code of Ordinances, to be separated from similar homes. Refer to the Ordinance 2018-60, for more details.
Are “group homes” allowed in single family neighborhoods?
Yes, state licensed group homes are allowed in single family neighborhoods as long as they are in compliance with the required minimum distance separation from another group home. A group home which is not license or certified by a state agency or doesn’t comply with the minimum distance separation may be permitted in single family neighborhoods; however, they must seek approval of the Zoning Board of Appeals, by way of a Special Exception in order to operate.
A “Community Residence” is either classified as a “Family Community Residence,” or a “Transitional Community Residence.” The relatively permanent Family Community Residence is allowed as a permitted use in single-family residential zoning districts; however, Transitional Community Residences (since they are more akin to the sort of housing for which multi-family districts were designed) warrant a case-by-case review if they are proposed in a single-family district and thus require a special exception in certain areas. Multi-family zoning districts will allow all community residences, provided that the proposed home complies with the adopted distance separation standards and is licensed or certified.
Are there separation requirements for “group homes”?
Community Residences and Recovery Communities are subject to distance separation requirements from other similar uses so as to avoid clustering and altering the character of the neighborhood. A group home doesn’t comply with the minimum distance separation may be permitted in single family neighborhoods; however, they must seek approval of the Zoning Board of Appeals, by way of a Special Exception in order to operate.
Are sober homes regulated?
Five Florida agencies license different types of community residences for people with disabilities, but not all disabilities are covered by the state. The state does not license recovery communities. The State of Florida has, however, established a voluntary certification program for the operators of such recovery residences and recovery communities. The City of Pompano Beach requires certification, or successfully obtaining a Special Exception if they are not licensed or certified, in order to maintain a group home. Failure to prove licensing or certification will result in revocation of the existing zoning approval and trigger a reasonable 60-day period to close down and relocate occupants to a proper residential or institutional setting.
What can the city do if a “group home” is causing problems in the neighborhood?
If the group home has been approved as a “Community Residence” or “Recovery Community,” depending on the issue, the City will contact the state licensing agency. Depending on the problems being caused, the City will send the appropriate Staff to investigate the problem. If the problem is illegal activity, BSO will be sent to investigate. If the problem is a City Code violation, the property owner will likely be cited by Code Compliance and scheduled for a hearing in front of the City’s Special Magistrate.
Who can I call if the group home is causing problems in the neighborhood?
The most common complaints the City receives, as well as the City department’s contact information, are available on the "Complaints: Who to Contact” tab. Complaints regarding Noise are also available on the “Noise” tab. Please review these pages and contact the responsible department. If the complaint is not listed, please email
Golf Carts
According to the Broward Sheriffs Office, since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic it appears more Pompano Beach residence have begun to purchase golf carts. Golf carts poses a unique traffic hazard on the roadway if not properly equipped or operated in regards to Florida State Statute 316.2126 F.S... In order to operate a golf cart Florida requires:
- Golf carts must be equipped with efficient brakes, Reliable steering, safe tires, a rearview mirror, and red reflectorized warning devices in both the front and rear, Headlight, brake light, turning signals, and a windshield.
- Golf carts MAY NOT be operated on a public road or street by any person under the age 14 years.
- If operated on a public road or street the operator must possess a valid driver license.
With spring and summer upcoming soon and students staying home and not in school. It’s a possibility we will see a spike in golf carts being operated. I propose we get ahead by creating a pamphlet to educate residence who own golf carts of the traffic laws that pertain to operating a golf cart on a public road or street, and more importantly the safe hazards and concerns it may cause if operated inappropriately or if operated by minors. Furthermore residence will be notified in the pamphlet that traffic law enforcement will be enforced. So Uniform Traffic Citations are as follows:
- 316.212-1 Improper operation on certain roadways. Point assessment (3), fine- $60
- 316.212-5 Improper operation between sunset and sunrise. Point assessment (3), fine- $60
- 316.212-7 Person under the age 14 operating on public road. No point assessment, fine $30
For more information please see this document from the Florida Department of Highway Safely and Motor Vehicles.
Northwest Community Building and Empowerment
Parking Tickets, Residential Parking Permits & Oceanside Parking Passes
To purchase residential parking permits or Oceanside lot parking passes please contact our parking office at the phone number below. Parking tickets may be paid online at or in person at this address:
3460 NE 3rd Street
Pompano Beach, FL 33062
(954) 786-5580
Vulnerable Population Registry
The Vulnerable Population Registration was designed as a joint partnership between all municipalities and Broward County to assist emergency responders to better plan for future recoveries from hurricanes and other disasters. Registering into the database should not be considered as a guarantee that you will be provided services or be placed on a priority list for emergency responders; however, it will help us to be better prepared to respond after a disaster. To register visit
SHINE provides free, unbiased and confidential health insurance counseling through a network of volunteer counselors. SHINE counselors empower Florida seniors to make informed healthcare choices. CALL: 954-545-7795 (Pompano Beach) (Broward County) 954-745-9779
Division of Consumer Services
Cable Television companies, such as Comcast, are franchises that are regulated through the State of Florida. If you have complaints or concerns, please contact state's Division of Consumer Services via their website, or call 1-800-HELP-FLA (435-7352).
Florida Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) Program
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- Northwest Community Building and Empowerment
- Florida Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) Program
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